
10.000 easy steps to bring the Harley-Davidson Baja 100 back to Lake of Varese from where it started its journey to the USA in 1970.

You'll find broken English after the Italian text.

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giovedì 16 maggio 2013


Da un mese ci si fa pippe sul colore paraffanghi.
Il povero Enrico ha dovuto smontare il paraffango della sua Aletta originale per permetterci di clonare quello dei tempi. Nix acrilico.

Indovinate l'originale!
Guess the original!


It is more than a month now we scratch our brains relative to the color of the fenders.
So much so that Enrico had to pull his original Aletta (Rapido for our USA friends) front fender of and mad it undergo cromography. Acrylic was nixed!

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