
10.000 easy steps to bring the Harley-Davidson Baja 100 back to Lake of Varese from where it started its journey to the USA in 1970.

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venerdì 2 maggio 2014


Smontato pulito e riassemblato carter con le guarnizioni di carta vecchie e riempito con benza.
Trovato qualche biscottino et violá: perdite compensabili tranquillamente con guarnizioni nuove e sigillante.
La foto mostra i carter assemblati con dentro al benza.
Oh, per riassemblare manca solo(!) una serie guarnizioni.

Disassembled, cleaned and reassembled with old gaskets. Found some issues.
Filled with gas.
Minor leaks which will be gone once new gaskets and sealant are used.
Pic shows the engines filled with gas to test leakage. No smoking alowed!
Now all what is missing is a series of engine gaskets.